In Stock! Feedmilk 2.1 Emerald Size 2XL 1 pc left! . Feedmilk uses Lift Up Technique making it easy for mothers to nursing anytime anywhere! . Its comfortable material is breathable for the baby & nice on mommy too :) . WA/msg +673 8623272 to purchase. Happy #shopping & tqvm in advance . Aim to help #muslimah travelling on earth (#alwaysatraveller) & once a mother #alwaysamother . . #Feedmilklover #feedmilk2.1 #nursingsportswear #nursingspecialised #nursingspecialized #nursingtop #nursing #breastfeedingtop #breastfeedingisbeautiful #breastfeedingsportswear #breastfeedingsupporter #lactation #nurhana_normahzcouture
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